Chapmanville Volunteer Fire Department
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Engine #114
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2006 Incidents
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We are a small volunteer fire company located in rural Northwestern Pennsylvania. We have three pieces of apparatus at this time: our new Rescue Engine, a Pumper/Tanker, and a mini-pumper. We provide protection for the townships of Plum in northern Venango county and Troy in south eastern Crawford county. This is approximately 60 square miles of coverage with a population of 2500. Our mutual aid area is much larger. Being that most of the companies in our area are small, we rely on each other for assistance in many cases. The department was founded in 1955.
We are always looking for more volunteers! Come to our meetings! Meetings are held the Third Wednesday of each month at 8PM.
Up coming functions.
On April 15, 2010 we will be having a Auction at the hall and it starts at 6pm. The kitchen will also be open.
On April 17, 2010 we will be having a soup and sandwich lunchen at the hall staring at 11am to 2pm.

Site Moderators: Kelly & Brandon
Pictures and information provided by the moderators and members of the fire department, as well as others who have sent information to us.
Any information given on classes was e-mailed to us, and is not guarnteed to be correct. We will try to verify that all dates and times are correct.